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Volume Control using Gesture Recognition System
Shreyansh Gupta Student, Samyak Barnwal
Citation |
Vol. 24 No. 6 pp. 161-170
With the technological advances, the humans have made so much progress in the ease of living and now incorporating the use of sight, motion, sound, speech etc. for various application and software controls. In this paper, we have explored the project in which gestures plays a very significant role in the project. The topic of gesture control which has been researched a lot and is just getting evolved every day. We see the usage of computer vision in this project. The main objective that we achieved in this project is controlling the computer settings with hand gestures using computer vision. In this project we are creating a module which acts a volume controlling program in which we use hand gestures to control the computer system volume. We have included the use of OpenCV. This module is used in the implementation of hand gestures in computer controls. The module in execution uses the web camera of the computer to record the images or videos and then processes them to find the needed information and then based on the input, performs the action on the volume settings if that computer. The program has the functionality of increasing and decreasing the volume of the computer. The setup needed for the program execution is a web camera to record the input images and videos which will be given by the user. The program will perform gesture recognition with the help of OpenCV and python and its libraries and them it will recognize or identify the specified human gestures and use them to perform or carry out the changes in the device setting. The objective is to adjust the volume of a computer device without the need for physical interaction using a mouse or keyboard. OpenCV, a widely utilized tool for image processing and computer vision applications in this domain, enjoys extensive popularity. The OpenCV community consists of over 47,000 individuals, and as of a survey conducted in 2020, the estimated number of downloads exceeds 18 million.
t.Hand gesture, OpenCV, Web camera, computer vision, python, image processing.