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A Fuzzy Logic Based Software Development Cost Estimation Model with improved Accuracy
Shrabani Mallick and Dharmender Singh Kushwaha
Citation |
Vol. 24 No. 6 pp. 17-22
Software cost and schedule estimation is usually based on the estimated size of the software. Advanced estimation techniques also make use of the diverse factors viz, nature of the project, staff skills available, time constraints, performance constraints, technology required and so on. Usually, estimation is based on an estimation model prepared with the help of experienced project managers. Estimation of software cost is predominantly a crucial activity as it incurs huge economic and strategic investment. However accurate estimation still remains a challenge as the algorithmic models used for Software Project planning and Estimation doesn¡¯t address the true dynamic nature of Software Development. This paper presents an efficient approach using the contemporary Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) augmented with the desirable feature of fuzzy logic to address the uncertainty and flexibility associated with the cost drivers (Effort Multiplier Factor). The approach has been validated and interpreted by project experts and shows convincing results as compared to simple algorithmic models.
COCOMO, fuzzy logic, software development, cost estimation.