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Deep Learning Method for Identification and Selection of Relevant Features
Dr. Vejendla Lakshman
Citation |
Vol. 24 No. 5 pp. 212-216
Feature Selection have turned into the main point of investigations particularly in bioinformatics where there are numerous applications. Deep learning technique is a useful asset to choose features, anyway not all calculations are on an equivalent balance with regards to selection of relevant features. To be sure, numerous techniques have been proposed to select multiple features using deep learning techniques. Because of the deep learning, neural systems have profited a gigantic top recovery in the previous couple of years. Anyway neural systems are blackbox models and not many endeavors have been made so as to examine the fundamental procedure. In this proposed work a new calculations so as to do feature selection with deep learning systems is introduced. To evaluate our outcomes, we create relapse and grouping issues which enable us to think about every calculation on various fronts: exhibitions, calculation time and limitations. The outcomes acquired are truly encouraging since we figure out how to accomplish our objective by outperforming irregular backwoods exhibitions for each situation. The results prove that the proposed method exhibits better performance than the traditional methods.
Feature selection, deep learning, neural networks, preprocessing, data extraction.