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Agile Software Development Methodologies Evaluation Research Analysis: A review


Sadaf Niaz, Babar Hayat


Vol. 24  No. 5  pp. 103-110


In the quickly developing world, the idea of the conventional advancement needs to advance[1]. When applied to the advanced work environment, the conventional strategies give as much damage as they do great. Tragically, an absence of versatility in the customary techniques has prompted an inflexible work structure that is truly not viable with the present business. The Agile technique is, subsequently, a more adequate practice, in view of creating programming at a faster speed, while as yet looking after proficiency. The coordinated programming improvement strategies are concentrated in this paper. As per study results, Agile software development group needs solid client association; great light-footed task the executives¡¯ measures; item proprietor expands business esteem conveyed by group and need and draw in partners; great deft designing procedures or practices; and great advancements and advancement apparatuses[2]. This examination has suggestions for positive social change since associations that comprehend the basic components might have the option to improve project the executives¡¯ systems and money saving advantages prompting higher effectiveness, productivity, and efficiency hence profiting the board, representatives, and client. This survey paper incorporates various methodologies of Agile and their analysis.


Agile methods; scrum; Extreme programming (XP); DSDM; Crystal; Feature driven development component