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Survey of Trust Management System in Internet of Things


Meghana P.Lokhande, Dipti Durgesh Patil, Sonali Tidke


Vol. 24  No. 3  pp. 53-58


The Internet of Things (IoT) enables the connection of millions of disparate devices to the World Wide Web. To perform the task, a lot of smart gadgets must work together. The gadgets recognize other devices as part of their network service. Keeping participating devices safe is a crucial component of the internet of things. When gadgets communicate with one another, they require a promise of confidence. Trust provides certainty that the gadgets or objects will function as expected. Trust management is more difficult than security management. This review includes a thorough examination of trust management in a variety of situations.


Trust computation, Internet of Things (IoT), IoT security, Social Internet of Things (SIoT)