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Image-based Soft Drink Type Classification and Dietary Assessment System Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network with Transfer Learning
Rubaiya Hafiz, Mohammad Reduanul Haque, Aniruddha Rakshit, Amina khatun and
Mohammad Shorif Uddin
Citation |
Vol. 24 No. 2 pp. 158-168
There is hardly any person in modern times who has not taken soft drinks instead of drinking water. The rate of people taking soft drinks being surprisingly high, researchers around the world have cautioned from time to time that these drinks lead to weight gain, raise the risk of non-communicable diseases and so on. Therefore, in this work an image-based tool is developed to monitor the nutritional information of soft drinks by using deep convolutional neural network with transfer learning. At first, visual saliency, mean shift segmentation, thresholding and noise reduction technique, collectively known as `pre-processing' are adopted to extract the location of drinks region. After removing backgrounds and segment out only the desired area from image, we impose Discrete Wavelength Transform (DWT) based resolution enhancement technique is applied to improve the quality of image. After that, transfer learning model is employed for the classification of drinks. Finally, nutrition value of each drink is estimated using Bag-of-Feature (BoF) based classification and Euclidean distance-based ratio calculation technique. To achieve this, a dataset is built with ten most consumed soft drinks in Bangladesh. These images were collected from imageNet dataset as well as internet and proposed method confirms that it has the ability to detect and recognize different types of drinks with an accuracy of 98.51%.
Drinks classification, Resolution enhancement, Gaussian noise removal, Mean-shift segmentation, Deep CNN, Bag-of-Feature, Euclidean distance.