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Blockchain and IoT Integrated Banana Plant System


Geethanjali B1¢Ó and Muralidhara B.L


Vol. 24  No. 2  pp. 155-157


Internet of Things (IoT) integrated with the Blockchain is the state of the art for keen cultivation and agriculture. Recently the interest in agribusiness information is enlarging owing to the fact of commercializing the smart farming technology. Agribusiness information are known to be untidy, and experts are worried about the legitimacy of information. The blockchain can be a potential answer for the expert¡¯s concern on the uncertainty of the agriculture data. This paper proposes an Agri-Banana plant system using Blockchain integrated with IoT. The system is designed by employing IoT sensors incorporated with Hyperledger fabric network, aims to provide farmers with secure storage for preserving the large amounts of IoT and agriculture data that cannot be tampered with. A banana smart contract is implemented between farmer peer and buyer peer of two different organizations under the Hyperledger fabric network setup aids in secure transaction of transferring banana from farmer to buyer.


Banana, Hyperledger Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Contract