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Data Analysis of Coronavirus CoVID-19: Study of Spread and Vaccination in European Countries
Hela Turki and Kais Khrouf
Citation |
Vol. 24 No. 1 pp. 156-162
Humanity has gone since a long time through several pandemics; we cite H1N1 in 2009 and also Spanish flu in 1917. In December 2019, the health authorities of China detected unexplained cases of pneumonia. The WHO (World Health Organization) has declared the apparition of Covid-19 (novel Coronavirus). In data analysis, multiple approaches and diverse techniques were used to extract useful information from multiple heterogeneous sources and to discover knowledge and new information for decision-making. In this paper, we propose a multidimensional model for analyzing the Coronavirus Covid-19 data (spread and vaccination in European countries).
Multidimensional Model, Constellation Schema, Coronavirus Covid-19, Vaccination, European Countries.