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A Fully Distributed Secure Approach using Nondeterministic Encryption for Database Security in Cloud


Mr.Srinu Banothu, A. Govardhan, Karnam Madhavi


Vol. 24  No. 1  pp. 140-150


Database-as-a-Service is one of the prime services provided by Cloud Computing. It provides data storage and management services to individuals, enterprises and organizations on pay and uses basis. In which any enterprise or organization can outsource its databases to the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) and query the data whenever and wherever required through any devices connected to the internet. The advantage of this service is that enterprises or organizations can reduce the cost of establishing and maintaining infrastructure locally. However, there exist some database security, privacychallenges and query performance issues to access data, to overcome these issues, in our recent research, developed a database security model using a deterministic encryption scheme, which improved query execution performance and database security level.As this model is implemented using a deterministic encryption scheme, it may suffer from chosen plain text attack, to overcome this issue. In this paper, we proposed a new model for cloud database security using nondeterministic encryption, order preserving encryption, homomorphic encryptionand database distribution schemes, andour proposed model supports execution of queries with equality check, range condition and aggregate operations on encrypted cloud database without decryption. This model is more secure with optimal query execution performance.


Cloud Computing,Database-as-a-Security(DaaS), Cloud Service Provider(CSP),Database Security.