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Practices for Readiness of Future Specialists for Professional
Self-Determination in the Information Society
Olena Kochubei, Mykola Dubinka, Inna Knysh, Ihor Poliakov, Olga Tsokur, Vasyl Tiahur, Oleksandr Kuchai
Citation |
Vol. 23 No. 12 pp. 129-136
Professional self-determination of the individual is a complex and lengthy process of finding and realizing yourself in the profession. The main goal of professional self-determination is clarified. The basic concepts of readiness for professional self-determination of future specialists in the modern information society are revealed. The following approaches to the consideration of the concept of readiness are defined: functional-psychological, personal, activity-based. Based on the components of readiness identified by the researchers, it can be assumed that the structure of professional self-determination of the future specialist contains motivational, cognitive and activity components. Self-determination is defined as a multidimensional process that can be considered from different points of view: as a series of tasks, that society sets for the emerging individual, and which the individual must solve in a certain period. As a process of step-by-step decision-making, with the help of which the individual forms a balance between his desires and inclinations, on the one hand, and the needs of society, on the other; as a process of forming an individual lifestyle, part of which is professional activity. A number of tasks of professional self-determination of a future specialist in the information society are formulated. Diagnostic practices for determining the degree of readiness of future specialists for future professional success are characterized. Practices are developed as a basis for creating an individually oriented correctional and development program to promote the formation of future specialists' focus on future professional success. Their task is to ensure control over the dynamics of this process, assess the effectiveness of this career guidance work. Practices are aimed at identifying the degree of thorough knowledge of the conditions for achieving professional success in the chosen field of activity among future specialists.
information society, readiness, professional self-determination, diagnostic practices, future specialists, professional achievements.