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Features of Work in the Senior Classes of the Lyceum on the Basis of an Activity Approach to the Study of the Ukrainian Language
Stanislav Karaman, Valentyna Aleksandrova, Iryna Kosmidailo, Tetiana Reznik, Yuliia Nabok-Babenko
Citation |
Vol. 23 No. 11 pp. 195-200
The main purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of the work of the Ukrainian language in the upper grades of the lyceum based on the activity approach. Despite the fact that a number of scientific studies and applied developments on teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language have recently appeared in Ukrainian linguistics, significant problems in this area should be recognized (organization of the educational process when learning a language as a foreign language, general methodological principles, psycho- and sociolinguistic foundations, communicative approaches), the non-resolution of which leads to methodologically unreasonable teaching of the Ukrainian language as a foreign language, the use of methods of teaching the language as a native language or the study of the language as a subject (linguistic aspect). In addition, due attention is not paid to the development of communication skills, which, firstly, worsens the quality of teaching and learning. Based on the results of the analysis, the key aspects of the work on the Ukrainian language in the senior classes of the lyceum were analyzed on the basis of an activity approach.
Language, Education, Work, Classes.