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A Simulation Modeling for the Effect of Resource Consumption Attack over Mobile Ad Hoc Network
Raed Alsaqour, Maha Abdelhaq, Njoud Alghamdi, Maram Alneami, Tahani Alrsheedi, Salma Aldghbasi, Rahaf Almalki, Sarah Alqahtani
Citation |
Vol. 23 No. 9 pp. 111-119
Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is an infrastructure-less network that can configure itself without any centralized management. The topology of MANET changes dynamically which makes it open for new nodes to join it easily. The openness area of MANET makes it very vulnerable to different types of attacks. One of the most dangerous attacks is the Resource Consumption Attack (RCA). In this type of attack, the attacker consumes the normal node energy by flooding it with bogus packets. Routing in MANET is susceptible to RCA and this is a crucial issue that deserves to be studied and solved. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to study the impact of RCA on two routing protocols namely, Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR); as a try to find the most resistant routing protocol to such attack. The contribution of this paper is a new RCA model (RCAM) which applies RCA on the two chosen routing protocols using the NS-2 simulator.
Mobile ad hoc network; Routing Protocols; AODV; DSR; Resource Consumption Attack.