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Hints-based Approach for UML Class Diagrams
Sehrish Abrejo, Amber Baig, Adnan Asghar Ali, Mutee U Rahman, and Aqsa Khoso
Citation |
Vol. 23 No. 7 pp. 9-15
A common language for modeling software requirements and design in recent years is Unified Modeling Language (UML). Essential principles and rules are provided by UML to help visualize and comprehend complex software systems. It has therefore been incorporated into the curriculum for software engineering courses at several institutions all around the world. However, it is commonly recognized that UML is challenging for beginners to understand, mostly owing to its complexity and ill-defined nature. It is unavoidable that we need to comprehend their preferences and issues considerably better than we do presently to approach the problem of teaching UML to beginner students in an acceptable manner. This paper offers a hint-based approach that can be implemented along with an ordinary lab task. Some keywords are highlighted to indicate class diagram components and make students understand the textual descriptions. The experimental results indicate significant improvement in students' learning skills. Furthermore, the majority of students also positively responded to the survey conducted in the end experimental study.
Software Modeling, Unified Modeling Language, Class diagrams, ill-defined domain.