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SYN Flood DoS Detection System Using Time Dependent Finite Automata


Noura AlDossary, Sarah AlQahtani, Reem Alzaher and Atta-ur-Rahman


Vol. 23  No. 6  pp. 147-154


Network intrusion refers to any unauthorized penetration or activity on a computer network. This upsets the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the network system. One of the major threats to any system's availability is a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack, which is intended to deny a legitimate user access to resources. Therefore, due to the complexity of DoS attacks, it is increasingly important to abstract and describe these attacks in a way that will be effectively detected. The automaton theory is used in this paper to implement a SYN Flood detection system based on Time-Dependent Finite Automata (TDFA).


Denial of Service (DoS); Finite Automata (FA); Time-Dependent Finite Automata (TDFA); SYN Flood; Intrusion Detection System