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COLORNET: Importance of Color Spaces in Content based Image Retrieval
Judy Gateri, Dr. Richard Rimiru, Dr. Micheal Kimwele
Citation |
Vol. 23 No. 5 pp. 33-40
The mainstay of current image recovery frameworks is Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR). The most distinctive retrieval method involves the submission of an image query, after which the system extracts visual characteristics such as shape, color, and texture from the images. Most of the techniques use RGB color space to extract and classify images as it is the default color space of the images when those techniques fail to change the color space of the images. To determine the most effective color space for retrieving images, this research discusses the transformation of RGB to different color spaces, feature extraction, and usage of Convolutional Neural Networks for retrieval.
CBIR, RGB, HSV, CIELab, Convolutional Neural Networks