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Detecting Anomalies, Sabotage, and Malicious Acts in a Cyber-physical System Using Fractal Dimension Based on Higuchi's Algorithm
Marwan Albahar
Citation |
Vol. 23 No. 4 pp. 69-78
With the global rise of digital data, the uncontrolled quantity of data is susceptible to cyber warfare or cyber attacks. Therefore, it is necessary to improve cyber security systems. This research studies the behavior of malicious acts and uses Higuchi Fractal Dimension (HFD), which is a non-linear mathematical method to examine the intricacy of the behavior of these malicious acts and anomalies within the cyber physical system. The HFD algorithm was tested successfully using synthetic time series network data and validated on real-time network data, producing accurate results. It was found that the highest fractal dimension value was computed from the DoS attack time series data. Furthermore, the difference in the HFD values between the DoS attack data and the normal traffic data was the highest. The malicious network data and the non-malicious network data were successfully classified using the Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) method in conjunction with a scaling stationary index that helps to boost the ROC technique in classifying normal and malicious traffic. Hence, the suggested methodology may be utilized to rapidly detect the existence of abnormalities in traffic with the aim of further using other methods of cyber-attack detection.
Cyberattacks, malicious attacks, nonlinear mathematical method, Fractal Dimension