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The Status of the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in Saudi Arabia: Dataset
Khalid A. Almarhabi, Adel A. Bahaddad, and Ahmed M. Alghamdi
Citation |
Vol. 23 No. 2 pp. 203-209
The paper brings across data that is utilized in the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) status collected between February and April of 2021 across Saudi Arabia. The data set was collected using questionnaires established through online mechanisms for the respondents. In the questionnaire, personal details included five questions while seven questions addressed the working model of personal mobile devices. Six questions addressed the awareness of employees bring your own device awareness for employees comprised seven questions and two questions addressed the benefits of business achievements. In the identification of suitable respondents for the research, two approaches were applied. The research demanded that the respondents be Saudi Arabian nationals and have attained 18 years. Snowball and purposive techniques were applied in the collection of information from a wide area of Saudi Arabia while employing social media approaches that include the use of WhatsApp and emails in the collection of data. The approach ensured the collection of data from 857 respondents used in the identification of the status as well as issues across the BYOD environment and accompanying solutions. The data was also used in the provision of awareness in the community through short-term courses, cyber security training and awareness programs. The results of the research are therefore applicable to the context of the Saudi Arabian country that is currently facing issues in dealing with the application of personal devices in the work environment.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), Information Management, Saudi Arabia.