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Formation of Online Media Texts Using Means of Expressiveness
Nataliia Riabokin, Ganna Gusieva, Nataliia Dziubak, Olena Lenska
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 11 pp. 748-756
The academic paper examines the features of means of expressiveness in online media texts, the key forms of their use, as the main direction of increasing attention to news. The issue of introducing means of expressiveness into online media texts lies in the necessity to improve the commercial activity of the media resource by attracting a larger number of readers and the possibility of manipulating public opinion. Any text with means of expressiveness aims to interact with the emotional intelligence of a person and the possibility of its implementation in the modern dimension of news in relation to online media. This is precisely why, from the standpoint of considering the tools, used to display the emotional colouring and the quality of its manifestation of a meaningful message in online media texts, the topic of the scientific work should be the subject of research. The purpose of the academic paper is to analyse modern tools and features of forming means of expressiveness in online media texts. In addition, in order to achieve a high form of interaction between the editor and the person, it is worth taking into account modern features regarding the direction of the message of the text, which is stylistically depicted on the emotional state of the person. The goal of the research is to study the features of the means of expressiveness in the online media texts, how they are formed and used. The research object is the artistic display of symbolism, its transfer to the emotional and stylistic design of the text and semantic structures. Taking into account this approach, the academic paper describes modern means and an algorithm for selecting effective means of expressiveness in online media and outlines the basic form of using means of expressiveness in the text. The research methodology involves the analysis of the definition of expressiveness and the analysis of the key means of its formation and modern forms in online media. The academic paper analyses the specifics of applying the means of expressiveness in accordance with the key principles of the formation and stylistic use of the text by providing the relevant examples. Thus, the conducted research reveals the principles of using the means of expressiveness in online media texts.
expression, expressiveness, expressive, artistic image, symbolism, manipulation, propaganda, information warfare.
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