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Formation of Digital Competencies of Personnel in the Context of Security Aspects of the Digital Economy
Zoryana Ravlinko, Nina Petrukha, Marta Terebukh, Ihor Berest, Ihor Baran
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 11 pp. 628-634
Today, the impact of digitalization on all socio-economic processes is difficult to assess. The reasons for this lie not only in the rapid pace of robotization and automation, which makes it possible to satisfy the individual needs of each consumer as much as possible, but due to the fact that digitalization has affected all participants in the labor market, primarily employees. Digital competencies are increasingly becoming a key condition for getting a job in traditional sectors of the economy that are not directly related to the development of new information products. Existing trends to reduce the need for physical labor extend to the work of the so-called ""white collars"", when employers compete for highly skilled workers who skillfully use information technology, are able to creatively solve atypical problems and generate new ideas. The deepening of the digital divide entails labor migration due to the attempts of the population of less technologically developed countries to get a job with a higher level of wages and be able to take full advantage of the digital economy, which is rapidly developing in the leading countries. The hostilities in Ukraine provoked a wave of refugees to the EU countries, most of them highly qualified specialists, which for the Ukrainian economy threatens to complicate the post-war recovery due to the loss of human potential, but for the EU countries it creates new opportunities to improve the qualitative composition of the internal labor market.
digital economy, human resources, personnel, digital labor market, labor migration.