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Improvement of the Automated Orientation Criteria for New Graduates
N'GUESSAN B. Gerard., ACHIEPO Odilon Y M, KONE Ti?moman, BAMBA Sita
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 11 pp. 567-572
Education can be defined as the action of instilling in individuals a set of knowledge, moral and intellectual values, considered necessary to reach the desired level of culture. In C?te d'Ivoire, for several years, the orientation of new high school graduation as remained a major challenge. Indeed, the plethoric number of students in Ivorian universities the insufficiency of the classrooms, the insufficiency of the teaching staff and trainers, etc. make orientation a very selective mechanism. Today, these assignments are made almost automatically. It is therefore imperative that these automatic assignment devices become increasingly sophisticated in order to minimize academic failure. It is in this context that this article is written situate the objective of which is to propose an automatic classification of new hig school graduates in order to identify homogeneous profiles. The interest of this work lies in the understanding of the criteria necessary for an effective personalization of the automatic assignment system for new graduates.
Educational system, Automatic assignment, Automatic classification.