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Transformation of Law and Legal Activity in the Context of the Development of Digital Technologies


Sergey Sergeevich Zenin, Arkadiy Vladimirovich Kornev, Sergey Vasilyevich Lipen, Denis Viktorovich Shepelev and Oleg Vladimirovich Tanimov


Vol. 22  No. 11  pp. 427-432


The article has been devoted to the transformation of law and legal activity caused by the active introduction of information and communication technologies in the legal sphere. The most important areas of the existence of law, such as law-making, legal realization, and legal protection are increasingly digitalized. The main purpose of the study is to consider the transformation of law and legal activity in the context of the development of digital technologies. The methodological basis was the formal-legal, concrete-sociological, and comparative-legal methods. In addition, logical and historical methods, system-structural, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction were used. The article reflects not only the positive aspects of the introduction of new, primarily digital technologies but also identifies individual problems that are caused by this process. In addition, questions are raised concerning the very understanding of the law, its role, and significance in the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The law will acquire a technologized character today and in the future. The purpose of law has always been to establish social discipline in society. In the conditions of the formation of a network society and the state, behavioral models that are fixed in legal norms acquire the character of algorithms peculiar to technological civilization. Two factors will most of all determine the transformation of law ? economic and technological. The study concluded that the digital transformation of law is only a change in the forms of law, that is, the forms of its objectification.


state, activity, digitalization, law, technology.