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Structural Model of Institutional Support for the High-Tech Industry
Ludmila V. Obolenskaya, Evgenia L. Moreva and Vladimir V. Vorozhikhin
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 11 pp. 413-420
The article aims at developing a structural model of institutional support for the high-tech industry and focuses on achieving national sustainable development goals. The main role in the model is played by such an instrument of state policy as development institutions. Methods are as follows: systemic and structural analysis; the logical interpretation of economic phenomena and processes; the generalization of the collected information and analytical materials. The article's authors have developed a comprehensive-targeted approach for constructing a structural model of institutional support for the high-tech industry. They also formed a structural model of institutional regulation that combines the national goals of sustainable development and the key means of achieving them into a single structure with due regard to cause-and-effect relationships. In their opinion, the results of development institutions as specialized organizations depend on system-wide institutional parameters (institutional environment). The constructed model is interpreted as exemplified by a certain country (Russia), where the reform of development institutions is being implemented. The model allows identifying a gap that could undermine positive results of the reform, including an underestimation of the impact of system-wide institutional parameters on development institutions. The study results might be of practical interest from the standpoint of information and analytical support for managerial decisions. An integrated approach to constructing a model of institutional regulation will help to avoid errors associated with the incompleteness of the decision-making base. In particular, this concerns assessing the prospects for reforming development institutions in a given country and identifying reasons behind the unsatisfactory results of such a reform.
sustainable development goals, development institutions, reforming development institutions, institutional environment, high-tech industry.