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The Impact of Digitalization on the Level of Crime during the Pandemic
Larysa Arkusha, Oleh Dykyi, Mykhailo Kosiuta, Nataliia Fedchun, Mariia Diachkova, Bogdan Osadchyi
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 11 pp. 399-404
The digitalization process affects transformations in all spheres of social life. In today's conditions of the development of social relations, the growth of digital technologies has a consequence of the growth of changes in communication in society. Such innovative technologies manifest themselves especially noticeably during the pandemic, when opportunities are limited due to the threat of the coronavirus. Digitalization has allowed members of society to be in continuous communication even during the pandemic, but such communication has changed crime. Therefore, it is important to understand how digitalization has affected the level of crime in the world, to form the main features of such transformations and to determine the direction of these changes in the future. The purpose of the work is to study the specifics of the impact of digitalization during the pandemic on the level of crime. The object of the study is digitalization during the pandemic and the causal relationship between digitalization during the pandemic and its impact on the level of crime. The subject of the study is social relations that arise, change and cease during digitalization during the pandemic in the criminal-legal aspect. During the conducted research, the peculiarities of the impact of digitization during the pandemic on the level of crime were clarified. In particular, it was concluded that the virus, which poses a threat to human health and has spread to the territory of the entire world, has revolutionized the usual law and order among both the law-abiding population and criminals. Moreover, the process of digitalization has changed a number of crimes, which also affected the level of crime. As a conclusion, it is concluded that the pandemic will affect the life of society and the level of crime in it for a long time, and therefore, when taking measures to introduce innovative information technologies, it is important to pay attention to how such measures are reflected in the level of crime in Ukraine and the world.
digitalization, crimes in the field of IT, pandemic, level of crime, factors of crime.