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Ensuring the Quality of Higher Education in the United Kingdom
Using Informatization
Iryna Andreikova, Natalia Moiseienko, Petro Boichuk, Liubomyra Iliichuk, Karina Fedchenko, Oleksandr Bezliudnyi, Ruslan Sopivnyk
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 11 pp. 324-330
The United Kingdom is known for the quality of its qualifications. There is a strict quality system with reputable bodies responsible for ensuring that high quality standards are met. In order for new qualifications to be accredited, they must meet all the requirements set out in the regulations for the quality and informatization of Education. The crucial role of the Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education (QAA) in the UK for creating high-quality management of higher education institutions is revealed, the influence of informatization tools on its effective mechanism as an independent entity is shown, and positive experience for the educational sector is highlighted. While the universities themselves are responsible for reviewing educational programs at the subject level, the QAA review focuses on verifying internal quality assurance, as well as systems and improvement strategies. The QAA uses a peer review process in which teams mostly consist of academic staff from other institutions to assess the quality of the institution's education. In Scotland, the team also includes an international reviewer. The student is also a member of the Scottish teams. In the UK, attention is paid to providing a cohort of experienced reviewers who can conduct high-quality monitoring and help with advice on improving education. All reviewers must complete training and have permission to participate in the review of educational programs.
quality assurance of higher education, means of informatization, Great Britain, The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), Quality Management of Higher Education Institutions, quality of Student Education.