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Hybrid Tensor Flow DNN and Modified Residual Network Approach for Cyber Security Threats Detection in Internet of Things
Abdulrahman Mohammed Alshehri and Mohammed Saeed Fenais
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 10 pp. 237-245
The prominence of IoTs (Internet of Things) and exponential advancement of computer networks has resulted in massive essential applications. Recognizing various cyber-attacks or anomalies in networks and establishing effective intrusion recognition systems are becoming increasingly vital to current security. MLTs (Machine Learning Techniques) can be developed for such data-driven intelligent recognition systems. Researchers have employed a TFDNNs (Tensor Flow Deep Neural Networks) and DCNNs (Deep Convolution Neural Networks) to recognize pirated software and malwares efficiently. However, tuning the amount of neurons in multiple layers with activation functions leads to learning error rates, degrading classifier's reliability. HTFDNNs ( Hybrid tensor flow DNNs) and MRNs (Modified Residual Networks) or Resnet CNNs were presented to recognize software piracy and malwares. This study proposes HTFDNNs to identify stolen software starting with plagiarized source codes. This work uses Tokens and weights for filtering noises while focusing on token¡¯s for identifying source code thefts. DLTs (Deep learning techniques) are then used to detect plagiarized sources. Data from Google Code Jam is used for finding software piracy. MRNs visualize colour images for identifying harms in networks using IoTs. Malware samples of Maling dataset is used for tests in this work.
IoT, malware detection, software piracy, cyber security, data mining, Tensor flow DNN.