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Features of the Legal Regulation of Relations in the Provision of Educational Services via Distance Learning Technologies
Svetlana V. Pivneva, Olga A. Korotkikh, Alexander G. Fedorov, Gyulnaz E. Adygezalova, NataliyaI. Rets6 and Vladimir D. Sekerin
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 9 pp. 581-586
The paper explores some peculiarities of the legal regulation of relations in the provision of educational services concerning the implementation of contracts for the provision of educational services in a distance form. Today, distance education is gaining in popularity, but there remain some unresolved issues regarding the legal guarantees of its quality for learners-consumers. The goal of the study is to analyze the legal regulatory framework of relations in the provision and consumption of distance education services. The key conceptions of educational technologies used in training are identified and the general patterns of supply and demand in this type of service are outlined. The article also considers legislative decisions on the regulation of e-learning and presents a comparative study of the peculiarities of implementation of this form of education in different countries. The expediency of the effective use of this form of training in current social realities is demonstrated. Particular patterns and problems in the implementation of distance learning are detected and solutions for the issues are proposed. The authors argue for the need to introduce special legislation establishing codes and standards for the providers of distance learning services and enabling proper control of the quality of consumed distance education services.
distance learning, legal regulation, supply and demand, quality, standardization.