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Management of the Educational Process Using Information Technologies for High-Quality Training of Specialists
in Higher Education Institutions
Nina Tverezovska, Serhii Kubitskyi, Anastasiia Dlubovska, Nataliia Ihnatenko, Iryna Bodnaruk, Vadym Lisovyi, Tetiana Kuchai
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 9 pp. 561-568
The article describes the content of managing the educational process by means of information technologies for high-quality training of specialists in higher education institutions. The main components of the quality management system for training personnel in higher education institutions are highlighted. The strategy of higher education institutions is marked out. Managing a higher education institution requires solving strategic, practical and operational tasks. The content of the main concepts of the study is justified. The main components of the quality management system for training personnel in higher education institutions are listed. The analysis of management functions that play a central role in the development of an educational institution is presented. It is emphasized that one of the main conditions for optimizing the strategic planning system of higher education institutions is a target orientation to achieve maximum economic efficiency and effectiveness, as well as taking into account the disadvantages and advantages of strategies for integrating educational and research institutions within the scientific and educational complex to carry out joint activities, taking into account the interests of all participants in the educational process. In the conditions of the information society, the priority becomes the information and analytical activity of the manager of an educational institution, which is characterized by an increase in the number of types, sources, and flows of information, constant updating of its content, and the implementation of a number of sequential actions on information, that is, data processes. Software for higher education institutions is presented and the advantages of an automated educational process management system for high-quality training of specialists in higher education institutions by means of information technologies are shown.
management, software for higher educational institutions, automated management systems of an educational institution, training of specialists, institutions of higher education, educational process, information technology tools.