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Organization of Educational Space Using Cloud Computing
in the Professional Training of Specialists
Andrii Shuliak, Andrii Hedzyk, Nina Tverezovska, Lyubov Fenchak, Natalia Lalak, Anatolii Ratsul, Oleksandr Kuchai
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 9 pp. 447-454
The possibilities of organizing the educational space by means of cloud computing in the professional activities of specialists are clarified. The content of the concept of ""cloud computing"" is presented. A list of services offered by cloud technologies is provided. The advantages of these technologies are shown: do not need powerful computers, which reduces the price of a PC, increase the power of a PC due to servers, reduce the cost of purchasing software (programs in the cloud), the inexpediency of constant updates, since everything is located in the cloud, the absence of piracy, unlimited amount of stored data, availability from different devices and from different places, data resistance to loss, performing many types of educational work, monitoring and evaluating online; saving money on paying technical specialists; saving disk space; openness of the educational environment. The disadvantages of their use are outlined. Examples of using cloud computing in education are demonstrated. Independent user activity is considered as one of the most accessible and reliable ways to improve the effectiveness of training and activate the educational process. Cloud computing, characterized by simplicity of distribution and updating, deliver didactic materials in the most reliable and economical way. Attention is focused on the possibilities of implementing cloud computing in the educational process. The forms of using cloud technologies in education, the necessary components for applying cloud computing, and the types of activities supported in the cloud are outlined. The structural elements of an educational institution as a cloud object are analyzed.
cloud computing, professional activity, specialists, education, organization of educational space, higher education institutions, independent user activity.