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Development Of The Theory Of Educational Motivation In Different Age Periods
Liudmyla Martyniuk, Svitlana Pukhno, Vadym Lukianykhin, Nataliia Goretska, Oleh Hutchenko, Svitlana Lypka
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 9 pp. 427-432
The article is devoted to the problem of studying the motives of educational activity of children of all ages with different levels of academic performance. Motivation has a direct impact not only on the epistemological activity of schoolchildren and their desire to learn, but also affects the efficiency and practical effectiveness of educational activities. The relevance of the research results is due to the leading role of motivation in the professional development of future specialists. Understanding the features of its structure, the ability to influence the change in the hierarchy of motives for teaching students in the process of their educational and professional training, a higher school teacher can make the learning process not only professional directed, but also personally oriented. In learning, motivation is expressed in acceptance student on learning goals, tasks as personally significant and subjectively necessary. In this regard, it is important to understand that learning activity is always polymotivated, and the motives of learning activity do not exist in isolation from each other.
motive; motivation; fulfillment; socialization; structure of motivation; training and professional activities.