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Machine Learning Algorithm Accuracy for Code-Switching Analytics in Detecting Mood
Latifah Abd Latib, Hema Subramaniam, Siti Khadijah Ramli, Affezah Ali, Astri Yulia, Tengku Shahrom Tengku Shahdan, and Nor Sheereen Zulkefly
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 9 pp. 334-342
Nowadays, as we can notice on social media, most users choose to use more than one language in their online postings. Thus, social media analytics needs reviewing as code-switching analytics instead of traditional analytics. This paper aims to present evidence comparable to the accuracy of code-switching analytics techniques in analysing the mood state of social media users. We conducted a systematic literature review (SLR) to study the social media analytics that examined the effectiveness of code-switching analytics techniques. One primary question and three sub-questions have been raised for this purpose. The study investigates the computational models used to detect and measures emotional well-being. The study primarily focuses on online postings text, including the extended text analysis, analysing and predicting using past experiences, and classifying the mood upon analysis. We used thirty-two (32) papers for our evidence synthesis and identified four main task classifications that can be used potentially in code-switching analytics. The tasks include determining analytics algorithms, classification techniques, mood classes, and analytics flow. Results showed that CNN-BiLSTM was the machine learning algorithm that affected code-switching analytics accuracy the most with 83.21%. In addition, the analytics accuracy when using the code-mixing emotion corpus could enhance by about 20% compared to when performing with one language. Our meta-analyses showed that code-mixing emotion corpus was effective in improving the mood analytics accuracy level. This SLR result has pointed to two apparent gaps in the research field: i) lack of studies that focus on Malay-English code-mixing analytics and ii) lack of studies investigating various mood classes via the code-mixing approach.
machine learning, mental health prediction, code switching analytics, systematic review, accuracy measurement.