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Digital Management System in a Business Environment
Mariana Veresklia, Nataliia Mykhalitska, Olha Trut, Svitlana Honchar, Stanislav Larin
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 9 pp. 217-223
In modern business conditions, the improvement of business processes cannot do without digitalization. Digital technologies allow businesses to conquer markets, quickly introduce new technologies not only into production processes, but also at all levels of economic activity. The rapid pace of development of information, communication and economic spheres determine the relevance of the research topic and the goals that digital management solves. Today, the use of digital equipment and platforms makes it possible to form the basis for the formation of competitive business advantages, minimize costs, and most importantly, respond in time to changes in both the internal and external environment..Thus, the main task of the study is to analyze the digital management system in a business environment. As a result of the study, current trends and prerequisites for digital management system in a business environment were investigated.
digitalization, digital econimy, digital technologies, digital management, management programs.