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International and National Legal Experience in Combating Corruption and the Influence of Information Policy on Improving the Implementation of Anti-Corruption Measures
Anaid E. Bagdasarova, Navai K. Dzhafarov, Viktoria A. Kosovskaya, Elena V. Muratova, Irina A. Petrova, and Vyacheslav I. Fedulov
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 9 pp. 169-174
The purpose of the study is to research the legal nature and essence of corrupt behavior, as well as the international and national legal aspects of the fight against corruption. The article discloses the relation between the factual results of the operation of anti-corruption normative and legal acts and the goals and objectives for which they were adopted. The effectiveness of the regulatory effect and quality of anti-corruption legislation is determined by the example of the Russian Federation. The article provides an analysis of theoretical aspects of the theory and history of the formation and development of anti-corruption legislation (on the example of Russia and some other countries, as well as international legal norms) giving several practical examples from foreign legislation demonstrating the structure of the system of government bodies battling against corrupt behavior (including its latent forms). The authors suggest that there is a need for a unified conception of information and propaganda support of state anti-corruption activities. This will make it possible to inform the population that the state is actively working to prevent corruption threats and to bring perpetrators to justice, as well as contribute to citizens¡¯ trust in the state policy in this area. At the same time, it is necessary to regularly inform the citizens about the provisions of the anti-corruption legislation, explaining the importance of their observance.
Human rights, Public authority, Corruption, Counteraction to corruption, Government official, Bribe, Personal gain, Abuse of power, Bribery, Crime, Civil society, Criminal law.