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The Role of Fundamentalization of Education in Improving
the Future Specialists Professional Training
with Usage of Multimedia Technologies
Kostiantyn Palshkov, Olena Kochubei, Olga Tsokur, Vasyl Tiahur, Liubomyra Tiahur, Tetiana Filimonova, Anatolii Kuzminskyi
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 9 pp. 95-102
The article considers the fundamentalization of education in improving the future specialists professional training with usage of multimedia technologies by various scientists. Various points of view and approaches to defining the concepts of fundamentalization of education and multimedia technologies are identified. The concept of fundamentalization of professional training of a future specialist is based on the goals and functions of fundamentalization and ? on the ways and means of achieving it, etc. Most authors agree only in their views that the fundamentalization of education is aimed at improving the quality of education and the education of the individual. Others involve the formation of a culture and worldview, increasing the creative and intellectual potential, forming the professional competence of a specialist and the potential for further education, and so on. The term multimedia refers to interactive systems that provide processing of moving and still video images, animated graphics, high-quality audio and speech. It is found out that professional training of a specialist by means of multimedia technologies includes not only the activities of the teacher and student, which form the learning process, but also the independent activity of the subject, self-development, assimilation of experience by the subject through analysis, comprehension and transformation of the field of activity in which he is included. It is revealed through the implementation of which approaches to the fundamentalization of higher professional education, it becomes possible to fully present theoretical training courses and effectively pass practical training by students, which contributes to improving the quality of training of future specialists in higher education institutions
fundamentalization, multimedia technologies, higher professional education, professional readiness, future specialists, quality of training.