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Public-Private Partnership in the System of Economic Development of the Country
Volodymyr Muliar, Tetyana Ryda, Volodymyr Dolot, Oleg Didych, Bogdan Grechanyk, Iurii Chornysh
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 9 pp. 83-88
The main purpose of the study is to determine the key aspects of the public-private partnership system in the context of the economic development of the state. At first glance, the mutually exclusive interests of the state and business do not contribute to the development of common and agreed development goals. At the same time, ignoring the versatility of interests and the aggravation of the discussion regarding the two sides under consideration, the study of the theoretical foundations of the interaction between the public and private sectors of the economy allows us to draw the following conclusion: world economic theory from classical political economy to new institutionalism has a clear structured position on the ancient historical depth of existence of the form of partnerships Based on the results of the study, the main elements of the public-private partnership system in the context of the economic development of the state were identified.
Public-Private Partnership, Economic Development, System.