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Formation of a Professional Communication Culture
Among the Students Using Information Technologies
Iryna Vakulyk, Valentyna Koval, Inna Lukiianchuk, Nataliia Romanenko, Tetyana Grygorenko, Olena Balalaieva, Ildiko Oros
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 9 pp. 75-82
Analyzing the psychological and pedagogical literature, we found the researchers' interest in the problem posed. The concept of ""culture of professional communication? is considered, which is interpreted as the level of realization of creative abilities, exchange of messages, organization of mutual understanding, mutual knowledge in the process of professionally directed interaction between subjects, in which interpersonal relationships arise, manifest and form. The concept of ¡°professional culture of communication of a teacher¡± is interpreted. The motives that are socially significant in the professional communication of the teacher are highlighted. The necessity of forming a culture of professional communication among students, in particular by means of information technologies in the present, is clarified. The interactive component of professional communication is considered. The types of interactions between people in everyday life (ritual and entertainment interaction, joint purposeful activity, no interaction, game and interpersonal interaction) are identified. Traditional and specific forms and methods of teaching are written out. All interactive technologies carried out by means of information technologies are conventionally divided into four groups, depending on the form of educational activity appropriate for their use (pair (work of the subject with the teacher or peers one on one by means of Information Technologies); frontal (the teacher simultaneously teaches a group of subjects by means of Information Technologies); group or cooperative (all subjects teach each other by means of Information Technologies); individual (independent work of the subject using Information Technologies)). In the higher education institution, future specialists should learn knowledge, acquire skills on the basic rules of the culture of professional communication and methods of interaction and their effective use, which is possible with the use of Information Technologies. Recommendations for optimal professional communication have been developed that help you express your thoughts easily and beautifully, and conduct a dialogue in a relaxed and harmonious way.
information technologies, students, culture of professional communication, interactive technologies, interactive component of professional communication, training of a future specialist, professionalism.