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Use of Multimedia Technologies in Extra-Curricular Works in Order to Improve the Quality of Training of Future Specialists
Nina Tverezovska, Tetiana Kovbasa, Tetiana Pryhalinska, Serhii Mykhniuk, Tetiana Lopushan, Olena Radionova, Tetiana Kuchai
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 9 pp. 35-42
The article deals with the role of extra-curricular work by means of multimedia technologies in order to improve the quality of training of future specialists. An important condition for achieving high results in training specialists is the optimal combination of classroom and independent extra-curricular work of students by means of multimedia technologies. Very significant is the development of student independence, the formation of skills of independent search activity, the ability to take responsibility, independently solve a problem, find constructive solutions, a way out of a crisis situation, and so on. Extra-curricular work forms students' ability to master the techniques of analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison; develops flexibility of thinking; opens up opportunities for the development and stabilization of positive learning motives to activate the process of mastering knowledge by means of multimedia technologies as a means of forming the personality of a highly qualified specialist. The concept of multimedia as one of the priority areas of Information Technology, which plays a particularly important role in the process of informatization of education, is revealed, and its advantages in education are shown. The advent of multimedia systems optimizes transformations in education, in many areas of professional activity, science, art, etc.
multimedia technologies, informatization of education, extra-curricular work, training of specialists, distance learning, education, student.