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Audio Steganography Method Using Least Significant Bit (LSB) Encoding Technique


Alaa Abdulsalm Alarood, Ahmed Mohammed Alghamdi, Ahmed Omar Alzahrani and Abdulrahman Alzahrani


Vol. 22  No. 7  pp. 427-442


MP3 is one of the most widely used file formats for encoding and representing audio data. One of the reasons for this popularity is their significant ability to reduce audio file sizes in comparison to other encoding techniques. Additionally, other reasons also include ease of implementation, its availability and good technical support. Steganography is the art of shielding the communication between two parties from the eyes of attackers. In steganography, a secret message in the form of a copyright mark, concealed communication, or serial number can be embedded in an innocuous file (e.g., computer code, video film, or audio recording), making it impossible for the wrong party to access the hidden message during the exchange of data. This paper describes a new steganography algorithm for encoding secret messages in MP3 audio files using an improved least significant bit (LSB) technique with high embedding capacity. Test results obtained shows that the efficiency of this technique is higher compared to other LSB techniques.


Steganography; Least Significant Bit (LSB); MP3.