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Augmented Reality Sandbox With Play Based Learning For Preschool Children
S.Vasanthi, S. David Samuel Azariya, S.Kanish, S.Dhanush Prabhu
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 6 pp. 757-761
Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are the new hot trends in education. Applying the concepts of AR/VR can transform an ordinary learning environment into an engaging experience for children. AR helps children of all ages to better remember the information they have learned. This paper proposes an AR 3D learning toolkit for kindergarten children that make learning fun filled and improve their motor senses. The Kindergarten children¡¯s are made to inscribe English alphabets on the Augmented reality sandbox which is scanned using the azure Kinect depth sense camera . The alphabets impression on the sand are recognize and the proposed system will guide the children¡¯s to write the letter probably by projecting the letter impression on the sand along with the proper pronunciation . This helps the kindergarten children to learn to alphabets in the playful manner. The toolkit is a combination of a few hardware components - a 3D camera, a short throw projector and a box of sand and employs a sophisticated learning algorithm which helps in recognizing the letters engraved in the sand, displays them with color effect to make it interesting for the children and pronounces the English alphabet for them to improve their speaking skills. This prototype of the AR application provides a natural way of experiential learning with interactive feedback by enabling the children to get familiar with the recognition of letters, pronunciation of letters and enhances their motor skills.
Augmented Reality, Learning Environment, Handwritten Text Recognition ,Speech Recognition, Depth Sensing.