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Masked Face Recognition via a Combined SIFT and DLBP Features Trained in CNN Model


Nahla Fahad Aljarallah and Diaa Mohammed Uliyan


Vol. 22  No. 6  pp. 319-331


Summary The latest global COVID-19 pandemic has made the use of facial masks an important aspect of our lives. People are advised to cover their faces in public spaces to discourage illness from spreading. Using these face masks posed a significant concern about the exactness of the face identification method used to search and unlock telephones at the school/office. Many companies have already built the requisite data in-house to incorporate such a scheme, using face recognition as an authentication. Unfortunately, veiled faces hinder the detection and acknowledgment of these facial identity schemes and seek to invalidate the internal data collection. Biometric systems that use the face as authentication cause problems with detection or recognition (face or persons). In this research, a novel model has been developed to detect and recognize faces and persons for authentication using scale invariant features (SIFT) for the whole segmented face with an efficient local binary texture features (DLBP) in region of eyes in the masked face. The Fuzzy C means is utilized to segment the image. These mixed features are trained significantly in a convolution neural network (CNN) model. The main advantage of this model is that can detect and recognizing faces by assigning weights to the selected features aimed to grant or provoke permissions with high accuracy.


Face recognition; masked face; scale invariant features; image segmentation; local binary pattern; CNN model.