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Internet Of Things (IoT) in Healthcare System


Nadia Ayari, Farah BARIKA KTATA, Souhir Gabsi3, Belgacem Hamdi


Vol. 22  No. 5  pp. 762-770


In recent decades, Healthcare faces different challenges due to the increasing cost of care, population growth and lack of caregivers. This situation was more serious and critical, last recent years when the world has witnessed a major spread of the new corona virus (COVID-19), which has arisen, among others, many issues related to exchanges and Medical Data Management. A healthcare system consist mainly on collaboration between hospital wards, elaborations of medical diagnostics, coordination among medical entities and the collection of information about and from patients directly or via a set of connected devises and sensors. For that, cooperation in the Agent Technology can provide better healthcare than the established medical system. In fact, Intelligent Agents properties (sociability, proactivity, autonomy) and the features of Multi Agent Systems (management of distributed information, communication and cooperation between different entities) are a good option to solve several problems in the hospital organization. On the other hand, information and communication technologies (ICT) are widely used in e-health to deliver services. In medical centers such hospitals and other laboratories where more health data sets were formed during the treatment process. In order to enhance the standard of the services provided in healthcare, these records where shared and can be used by various users depends on their requirements. As a result, notable issues in the security and privacy where obtained which should be monitored and removed in order to make the use of Electronic Health Record (EHR) more effectively.


E-health, Framework, Multi-agent, IoT, security, MA-UML