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The Extent to which Human Computer Interaction Impact KG Pupil¡¯s Perception during COVID-19 Pandemic


Farhan Alebeisat, Manal Albadaina , Hamad BaniKhaled, and Haroon altarawneh


Vol. 22  No. 5  pp. 575-582


While the COVID-19 epidemic impacted most educational sectors, kindergarten students were the most impacted, given that remote learning for children under six requires close parental support. They frequently lack familiarity with platforms, computers, and smart devices used for remote learning. Along with the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, which prompted a review of educational methods and the development of a suitable and flexible alternative method of delivering educational content, the COVID-19 epidemic prompted kindergarten students to complete their education at home, posing a new challenge for parents. Teachers, parents, and kindergarten children conducted a study to ascertain the viewpoints, behaviors, and factors that influence pupils' embrace of instructional technology and the effectiveness of their use of computers and smart devices during the Covid-19 epidemic. In this paper, a questioner has been established to study the effectiveness of their overall outcomes during COVID-19 pandemic. The findings of this article indicate that youngsters at this level have difficulty integrating their teachings during the COVID-19 outbreak. The writers discussed and proposed remedies to each of these issues.


Human-Computer Interaction, E-learning, Children-Computer interaction, COVID-19.