CAPTCHA stands for a completely automated public Turing test designed to differentiate between machines and humans. Pronounced as (CAP-TCHA), CAPTCHA isn't the only way to block spammers, but it's still one of the most effective and widely used ways to do it. In light of the developments of our time, the Internet has become an integral part of our lives and everything we need is related to the Internet. In contrast, the percentage of electronic piracy has increased, so the use of CAPTCHA to enhance security in electronic systems has become very important to distinguish real people and stop electronic piracy. The main function of CAPTCHA is to prevent automated bots (spam) from proving the identity of users. Despite its importance, many studies on this topic have not been published. Our current paper aims to clarify the CAPTCHA schema and its purpose, review the different types, and attempt to compare them based on different criteria. Introduce various attack methods, design, discuss issues, and improve some kinds of problems at an advanced stage.