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The Place and Role of Problems Combinations In The Methodical System of The Pupils' Logical Thinking


Olha Matiash, Liubov Mykhailenko, Roksolana Milian, Alina Voievoda, Liudmyla Nakonechna, and ¬¯alyna Kateryniuk


Vol. 22  No. 5  pp. 463-468


We explain that it is crucial for mathematics teachers to take care of the conditions of formation and development of pupils' logical thinking. We indicate the method developed and tested by us for solving special problems and their combinations to be one of the means of forming such thinking. The article offers a specific example of such a technique implementation. Our experimental research with mathematics teachers reveals the benefits of using geometric problems for study and highlight several guidelines for teachers on the pupils' logical thinking formation.


logical thinking, methods of solving problems, teacher's methodical activity, educational goals.