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Hakeem: An Arabic Application Aimed to Teaching Children First Aid using Augmented Reality


Monirah Al-ajlan, Wujud Altukhays, Deema Alyousef, Aljawharah Almansour, Layan Alsukayt, Halah Alajlan


Vol. 22  No. 5  pp. 368-374


Children are by nature curious and enthusiastic about learning and love to explore and search for everything they see around them, but as a result of this exploration they may sometimes be exposed to dangerous situations ranging from falls to poisoning and suffocation. That is why when supporting a child's natural desire to explore the world and supporting his awareness of dangerous situations and good handling of them, helps him build a conscious scientific mind and enhance his curiosity in the natural world. It is not easy to imagine a difficult situation in which we or one of our family is in danger, unable to help ourselves or to help them in time, due to our complete ignorance of the rules of first aid. Hence the importance of learning first aid not only for the child but for the community and the world at large. ¡°Hakeem¡± is an Arabic E-health educational application that aims to teach children from the age of six to eleven years first aid, in our belief that the seed of renaissance lies in the care and education of children, and the lack of Arabic content that aims to teach children first aid skills. The idea is to create a scenario in which the child is responsible for saving the person who will be in a dangerous situation using Augmented Reality (AR) technology, to increase engagement and interaction and provides a rich user experience, and according to the child's performance, he will get reward points. The game will have several levels: Beginner, Intermediate, and Hakeem, and based on the player's points he will get a title and move to the next level, and when he reaches the end, he will get the certificate.


First Aid; Augmented Reality; Children; E-health applications; Gaming