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The Bill of Exchange's Regulations and the Implications of its Abolition on the Commercial Community


Saud Hamoud Alharthi


Vol. 22  No. 5  pp. 303-311


Through our study, bill of exchange is defined as a written document that contains an order from the drawer directed to the drawee during which the predetermined amount must be paid within a certain time period or on sight. The research begins with an examination of how it was founded, the parties involved, and the organizer's formal conditions. Then, it discusses how to negotiate a bill of exchange through endorsement along with the different types of endorsement and its ramifications. The research concludes by elucidating the bill of exchange impact on the business community, since it decreases commercial conflicts and enables merchants to benefit from, circulate, and recycle their debts without being damaged by debts collection delays.


bill of exchange, endorser, beneficiary, endorsement