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Criminal And Legal Protection Of Information Relations
Oleksandr Manzhai, Yurii Kuryliuk, Ivan Miroshnykov, Mykola Syiploki, Volodymyr Vazhynskyi
Citation |
Vol. 22 No. 5 pp. 284-288
The article analyzes the regulations of current criminal law, which ensures the protection and protection of information relations, offers the optimal model of the system of norms of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which establishes liability for violation of information. The subject of the article is protected information, which should include information or data, the procedure for access to and distribution of which, regardless of the method of submission, storage or organization, are subject to legal regulation in accordance with laws and regulations. For the purposes of criminal law, information as an object of criminal law protection should be classified on the following grounds: depending on the content: personal or family secrets; information constituting a state secret; data included in the official secret; information that constitutes a professional secret; information that constitutes a commercial, tax, banking secret, and, depending on the medium - documented and undocumented.
Information, Criminal liability, Protection, Confidential information, Information legal relations