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Investigation of the Effect of Blockchain-based Cryptocurrencies on Tourism Industry


Waleed Rashideh, Mohammed Alkhathami, Waeal J.Obidallah, Yousef Alduraywish, Abdulaziz Alshammari, and Abdulaziz Alsahli


Vol. 22  No. 5  pp. 234-244


Tourism products involve the transfer of money that is flowing to countries with partners or borders, which do not possess any relations surrounding their business environment. Suitable platforms must be generated by the tourism industry, which are beneficial to users when their demands are satisfied based on financial, technology, knowledge, and industry matters. Intermediaries are applied to alleviate different problems that are related to the non-fulfilment of contracts of existing users and service providers who are offering their services and represent a reliable third party. However, it is significant that intermediaries must be reliable when charges are incurred for any possible commission. Cryptocurrencies rely on blockchain technology to provide smoothness in money interchange without the need for reliable third parties. This interchange allows an increasing number of different new forms, which are related to different customer-to-customer transactions. The study attempts to provide an appropriate answer to the main research question, which is: ¡®Will the widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies bring new types of customer-to-customer markets from a technological, organizational, and environmental perspective?¡¯.


Blockchain technology, business model, cryptocurrency, customer-to-customer, third party, monetary transaction.