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The Effect of a Web Quests Instructional Program on Developing Saudi EFL Learning Habits


Prof. Hashem A. Alsamadani


Vol. 22  No. 5  pp. 220-224


The teacher is considered the cornerstone of the educational process; the quality of education is linked mainly to teachers who perform such a necessary process. The shift in pedagogical thinking has led to progress in looking at the teacher's roles; he is no longer transferring knowledge to learners, but instead, he has become a mentor, a mediator, a planner, an intellect, and a leader. If we analyze these missions from the perspective of mental habits, we will see that they require the teacher to develop the skills of perseverance, listening comprehension, thinking flexibly, controlling emotions, self-confidence, communication skills, and other essential skills. The current research verifies the effectiveness of an instructional program based on web quests in developing habits of the mind of English language students. The study employed a quasi-experimental design. The sample consisted of 46 male students representing two classes. They were assigned randomly into an experimental group (n=24) and a control group (n=22). They were undergraduate students majoring in the English language. The findings showed a statistically significant difference in the mean scores of the experimental and control groups favoring the experimental group. The study concludes with some recommendations to differentiate teaching techniques in EFL classrooms.


Web quests, EFL, learning habits, mind habits