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The Role of Didactic Games and Exercises in the Sensory Development of Preschoolers


Larysa Zdanevych, Alla Chagovets, Zoriana Gontar, Iryna Onyschuk, Yulia Lanetska


Vol. 22  No. 5  pp. 61-66


The main purpose of the article is to analyze the key aspects of didactic games and exercises in the sensory development of preschoolers. The relevance of the chosen subject determines the fact that there are a number of problems in the specifics of the development of preschoolers and their characteristics, which manifest themselves individually. The importance of using didactic games and exercises in the development of preschoolers has been proved. The methodology includes a number of theoretical and practical methods, which together form the research methodology. Based on the results of the study, key aspects of the importance of the influence of dadactic games and exercises in the sensory development of preschoolers were identified. Further research requires the question of analyzing modern technologies for the formation of modern methods of sensory development for preschoolers.


didactic games, didactic exercises, development of preschoolers, sensory development.