Kominiarska Iryna, Dubrovskyi Roman, Volianiuk Inna, Yanus Natalya, and Hryshchenko Oleksandr
The article highlights the educational potential of information and communication technologies in the study of philological disciplines in higher education institutions. The study aims to analyze the didactic potential of ICT in the study of philological disciplines, as well as to check the scientific hypothesis that the use of ICT in HEIs in the study of philological disciplines will intensify and enhance the effectiveness of the learning process. To confirm the validity of the hypothesis, experimental testing was carried out and the results are illustrated in the article. The above-mentioned goal of the study determined the use of theoretical and empirical methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization, and systematization of pedagogical and scientific-methodological literature to clarify the state of research problem development and to identify pedagogical foundations on which the process of ICT use is based, comparison and prediction; questioning and testing of educational process participants to understand the effectiveness of ICT use in their training in HEIs. The research results showed positive changes in all analyzed criteria in the experimental group, which is due to the introduction of additional ICT tools into the educational process of the mentioned group. The scientific novelty of the study consists in highlighting the main characteristics and didactic functions of ICT in the learning process of philological students; in covering the classification of ICT, ICT tools, and typology of training sessions using ICT in the study of philological disciplines. In the conclusion it is summarized that the introduction of modern ICT in the educational process allows intensifying the learning process, implementation of a variety of ideas, increases the pace of classes and material assimilation, influencing the motivation for learning, increases the amount of independent work of students.